Radio Frequency Fat Reduction | Lipolysis
What is radiofrequency lipolysis?
Radiofrequency lipolysis is a non-invasive procedure that heats up fat cells over a general area using radiofrequency without making physical contact. When heated up, these fat cells will get damaged, and begin to break down over time.
Radio Frequency (Rf) Energy Treatment For Non-Surgical Body Contouring, Fat And Cellulite Reduction.
Exilis Radio frequency treatments reduce unsightly cellulite, target fat cells, help remove unwanted cellulite, lose fat, and reduce fat. New non-invasive fat removal technologies offer an alternative to liposuction for removing stubborn fat.
What does radiofrequency lipolysis do?
Radiofrequency lipolysis reduces the volume of fat over a general area. This is done non-surgically.
What are the results of radiofrequency treatment?
When applying radiofrequency to the abdomen, patients average a reduction of under 2 inches. The result varies person to person.
What are the risks of radiofrequency?
There are reports of mild erythema, and slight discomfort for a few days following the procedure.
Non-invasive fat removal technologies offer an alternative to liposuction for removing stubborn fat at Chester Laser Clinic, Cheshire.
Now, dermatologists are finding that the introduction of non-invasive fat removal technologies is opening the door for more people who are not candidates for liposuction to remove stubborn fat safely and effectively.
Exilis Elite Radiofrequency is an Award-winning FDA approved device that offers a revolutionary non-invasive form of treatment for the reduction of wrinkles, reshaping of the body, and reduction of targeted fat deposits, with long-lasting results.
The Exilis Radiofrequency (RF) can be used in virtually any area of the body and face. It can postpone or eliminate the need for invasive surgery particularly for patients with mild to moderate fat deposits and who may not be candidates for Lipoplasty.
The Exilis RF treatment has been clinically tested and scientifically proven to treat laxity and melt fat within several painless treatment sessions. It has been cleared by the FDA for use in dermatologic and aesthetic procedures with indications for non-invasive treatment of wrinkles and rhytids.
See the results.
By watching our before & after video of exilis radiofrequency fat reduction, we hope we can help you decide whether this treatment is for you.