Onychomycosis | Laser Nail Fungus Treatment
Laser treatment is an option if you have a fungal nail infection that's particularly stubborn. The laser emits high doses of light energy, which are used to destroy the fungus. Research shows that laser treatment is a safe and effective procedure, with some studies reporting a success rate of up to 90% at three months. Fungal nail infection is a very common problem, affecting around three in every 100 people in the UK. A fungal nail infection affects the hard material (keratin) that makes up the nails.
Laser Cost & Prices For Toenail Fungus And Fungal Nail Treatment In Cheshire & North Wales
Prices-Fungal Nail With ND YAG Laser
Cost per visit from £99.00 one foot or £150.00 for both feet. Treatments are conducted every 4 to 6 weeks depending on the area being treated. The number of treatments required varies, although typically 2-4 treatments are needed for optimum results.
How long does treatment take?
Treatments generally take in the region of 30 minutes.
How many treatments are necessary?
Treatments are conducted every 2 to 3 weeks depending on the area being treated. The number of treatments required varies, although typically 3-10 treatments are needed for optimum results. These results become apparent as the nail grows out, and due to the slow rate of growth of toenails it may take several months for the full results to become apparent.
How does the treatment work?
Light is absorbed by the water in the skin underneathand around the nail creating heat. This heat helps todestroy the dermatophytes and eliminate the fungalinfection. The laser applicator is placed on the nailand a short pulse of light is released. The entire nailbed and nail matrix is then treated in this way.
Are there any side effects?
The side-effects of laser treatments are generally mild and transient (unlike the side-effects of some of the medications used to treat fungal infections). The area may be red immediately after treatment and may be a little swollen and tender, but this usually subsides within a few hours. Unwanted reactions are rare but may include a small blister in the area around the nail, or temporary lightening or darkening of the skin. In rare cases, if the nail is very badly infected, the nail may fall off, but if this occurs, it will be replaced by a smoother, uninfected nail.
How does the treatment feel?
A degree of heating and some discomfort is felt during treatment. However, a skin cooling device can be used to make treatment as comfortable as possible.